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Ready-mix concrete

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Contact us betoon@framm.ee
Contact us betoon@framm.ee

Concrete is awesome!

Concrete provides unlimited opportunities to realize your ideas. You can make almost anything out of concrete. Your imagination is the limit!

General construction concrete, floor concrete, weather-resistant concrete and special concretes can be used for different construction works. The correct choice of concrete and the correct execution of the concrete works on site help ensure the desired result and quality.


Every minute counts

The workability of concrete decreases with every minute. 120 min after loading the ready-mix concrete from the mixing plant to the mixer truck, the concrete starts to set. During colder periods, it is crucial to cast the concrete during the first 90 minutes.

The setting time for warm or hot concrete is several times faster.

Concrete with accelerating additives also sets faster (AS Framm uses an accelerating additive that reduces setting time by 60 min during winter time, when added 3,5 l/m³).

It is possible to make corrections to the workability of the concrete by using superplasticizers, however, only if less than 60 min has passed since it has been mixed together in the mixing plant. After adding the plasticizer, you still have only 30 min to unload the truck because the concrete will start to set.

Retarding additives help postpone concrete setting time and prolong the workability. Retarders must not be used if the temperature is below +10°C.

NB! When adding retarding additives to concrete, remember that it will take longer for the concrete to set. AS Framm uses a retarder that postpones concrete setting time 90-180 min at 20°C, when added 0,7 l/m³, not affecting the 1-day initial strength of the concrete. Adding 1,4 l/m³ will postpone the setting time 5-8 hours and will compromise the 1-day initial strength.

It is forbidden to add water to ready-mux concrete! Adding water reduces strength, freeze-thaw resistance, water-tightness and resistance to corrosion. It increases the amount of capillary pores and the risk of cracking.

timer Every minute counts

Every minute counts

The workability of concrete decreases with every minute. 120 min after loading the ready-mix concrete from the mixing plant to the mixer truck, the concrete starts to set. During colder periods, it is crucial to cast the concrete during the first 90 minutes.

The setting time for warm or hot concrete is several times faster.

Concrete with accelerating additives also sets faster (AS Framm uses an accelerating additive that reduces setting time by 60 min during winter time, when added 3,5 l/m³).

It is possible to make corrections to the workability of the concrete by using superplasticizers, however, only if less than 60 min has passed since it has been mixed together in the mixing plant. After adding the plasticizer, you still have only 30 min to unload the truck because the concrete will start to set.

Retarding additives help postpone concrete setting time and prolong the workability. Retarders must not be used if the temperature is below +10°C.

NB! When adding retarding additives to concrete, remember that it will take longer for the concrete to set. AS Framm uses a retarder that postpones concrete setting time 90-180 min at 20°C, when added 0,7 l/m³, not affecting the 1-day initial strength of the concrete. Adding 1,4 l/m³ will postpone the setting time 5-8 hours and will compromise the 1-day initial strength.

It is forbidden to add water to ready-mux concrete! Adding water reduces strength, freeze-thaw resistance, water-tightness and resistance to corrosion. It increases the amount of capillary pores and the risk of cracking.


Ready-mix concrete will be delivered on site, using mixer trucks. Before ordering ready-mix concrete the customer has to make sure that the construction site is accessible by a truck.

Mixer truck

A mixer trucks weighs 15 t. It can deliver the ready-mix concrete on site and unload it at a max 3m distance from the truck.

A mixer truck can fit up to 7 m³ of concrete.

Mixer-pump and concrete pump

A mixer-pump truck weighs 24-29 t.

A mixer-pump enables the ready-mix concrete to be unloaded at a 24-32 m distance from the truck.

A mixer-pump can fit 2-5 m³ of concrete. The longer the hose used, the less concrete will fit on the truck.

A concrete pump enables the concrete to be unloaded up to 42 m distance. A concrete pump does not deliver concrete. When ordering a concrete pump, you must also order mixer-trucks to deliver the ready-mix concrete.

AS Framm uses only certified raw materials that have been approved suitable for use in making ready-mix concrete.

When ordering ready-mix concrete, at least the following characteristics must be specified:

  • compressive strength class (C12/16…C50/60)
  • workability (S3…S5)
  • environmental exposure classes
  • purpose (floors, seams, constructive, pavement etc)

AS Framm guarantees that it’s ready-mix concrete has been produced according to the standard EVS-EN 206 and fulfills the specified requirements.

AS Framm’s responsibility for the quality of the ready-mix concrete will expire after the concrete has been unloaded or in case regular ready-mix concrete has not been unloaded within 90 min after it has been mixed together in the plant.